CAN Bus address
CAN Bus nodes receive messages they choose: none, some, or all. Each ML-R node is programmed to receive messages with a specific value. One product, like MRMS Thermal Array Sensor, CAN Bus (mrm-therm-b-can) receives messages with id values 0x0210, 0x0212, ... , 0x021E and every sensor of this type has to get unique value from that range. It is possible to leave 2 nodes assigned the same id, but in that case both of them will be responding to the same messages spreading confusion. Therefore, You want to assign unique identification numbers. We will call them addresses.
Auto reconfiguration
You have 2 choices: to have nodes rearrange their addresses automatically so there is no conflict between them or to change them manually. The former is a default option when You power them on, if You have sufficiently new firmware. When each of them wakes up, it first checks if there is a device with its address in the bus already. If so, it will choose the next free address and store it in its nonvolatile memory so it will retain it during being switched off. So, just power them on and You are good to go.
Manual configuration
If You want to change them manually, here is an example. You may want to do so to have more control over the process or because You have a very old firmware which has no auto-option.
Monitor should display the text like this one:
. Crucial line is "Lidar2m-0 found". It shows that this CAN Bus device is found and that its address is 0 (Lidar2m-
0). Most probably all the 3 lidars use the same address so we will have to change them. Only one device of the same kind (like
MRMS LIDAR 2m VL53L0X, CAN Bus (mrm-lid-can-b)) can be in the CAN Bus. Otherwise we would change addresses of all the connected devices.
Enter "idc" command in the text input field on the top of the monitor's window and watch a short list appearing in the bottom of the screen:
The only choice for the next input is "1" (without quotation marks) in the input line. The program demands new id. Choose 0 for the -45º lidar (so, no change for this one), 1 for 0º, and 2 for 45º.
Program must confirm the change:
. Run "can" command to confirm that the new device's name is "Lidar2m-2".