Maze Robot

Parts' list and basic information. A short demo video.
3D printing and assembly instructions - use Your 3D printer to print reusable bricks the robot is made of.
Instalacija Arduina.
Upute za instalaciju Arduino biblioteka i MRMS_ESP32.ino programa.
Hardware setup
MRMS_ESP32.ino je Arduino program koji koristi objektno orijentirene C++ biblioteke i pokreće sve ML-R CAN Bus robote. Upotrijebite ga za provjeru svih spojenih CAN Bus uređaja.
Lidari i motori
Software setup for lidars and motors.
Dizajn programa
Design decisions and general information about the program.
Way to implement different robot's actions.
Početak i kraj akcije
Various ways to start and end actions.
Osnovno programiranje
First steps with MRMS_ESP32.ino - how to run Your code, use motors and lidars.
Tok programa
Description of program's flow in an object-oriented manner.
Future development of this model and another, advanced one.
You can purchase parts needed to make this robot.