Line Robot - Overview
This simple kit enables the user to build a simple, nimble, and compact robot, which can be used for RoboCup Junior Rescue Line or for other simpler tasks. This kit is designed for future enhancements. Therefore it has now many features that are not utilized, but will be very handy for more complex robots. Robot's features:
- Arduino compatible.
- 4-wheel drive.
- Composite line sensor.
- 2 lidars.
- CAN Bus.
- Parformant IMU Bosch BNO055 (accelerometer, compass and gyroscope).
- eFuse, protecting microcontroller's voltage input.
- 3 powerful switching regulators, for future enhancements.
- Digital voltmeter.
- Switch.
- Bluetooth Classic, Bluetooth LE, and WiFi.
- 2 user definable LEDs.
- Motor controller for 4 motors much stronger than the ones in this kit, for future enhancements.
- Gripper with 2 robotic servo motors.
- Light barrier for captured ball detection.
- 2 6-channel color sensors.
Parts needed
- ML-R 16D Motor Connector (mrm-16d2), 4 pc.
- ML-R 8x8 bicolor display, CAN Bus,UART, 4 switches (mrm-8x8a), 1 pc.
- ML-R BDC Motor 12 V, 16 mm, 1:100 (mrm-bdc16l50-100), 4 pc.
- ML-R 6-channel color sensor CAN Bus (mrm-col-can), 2 pc.
- MRMS ESP32: Arduino, IMU, eFuse, BT, WiFi, CAN Bus (mrm-esp32), 1 pc.
- ML-R Cable JST - KK2.54 10 cm (mrm-jst-kk2.54-10), 1 pc.
- ML-R Cable KK254-KK254 15 cm (mrm-kk2.54-2.54-15), 1 pc.
- ML-R Cable KK254-KK254 10 cm (mrm-kk2.54-2.54-10), 1 pc.
- ML-R Cable KK254-KK254 5 cm (mrm-kk2.54-2.54-5), 1 pc.
- ML-R Cable KK396-KK396 5 cm (mrm-kk3.96-3.96-5), 1 pc.
- MRMS LIDAR 2m VL53L0X, CAN Bus (mrm-lid-can-b), 1 pc.
- MRMS Motor Driver 4x3.6A CAN Bus (mrm-mot4x3.6can), 1 pc.
- MRMS Power Supply 3x B (mrm-ps3xb), 1 pc.
- Robot servo 0.6 Nm, 300º, dual axis, 6 V (mrm-rd-5606hb-300), 2 pcs.
- MRMS reflectance sensors 9x, CAN, analog, I2C (mrm-ref-can), 1 pc.
- MRMS Thermal Array Sensor, CAN Bus (mrm-therm-b-can), 1 pc.
- ML-R wheel hub for 3 mm shaft (mrm-hub3), 4 pcs.
- ML-R 6-channel color sensor CAN Bus (mrm-col-can), 2 pcs.
- LiPo battery.
- Printed parts.
- Some M2 nylon bolts, spacers, and nuts.
Total cost of the parts depends on options chosen and can be checked in kit's home page (
MRMS Line Robot (mrm-rob-bas)).
Here are 2 examples of robot's capabilities. First, a short line-following sequence in an improvised arena. The second example shows the robot catching a ball .
Target usage
When used for RCJ Rescue Line training, the robot can follow a black line excellently, avoid obstacles, and follow a wall. 2 ML-R 6-channel color sensor (mrm-col) can recognize different surface color marks. The built-in gripper can lift and carry RCJ balls, one by one.